
Root Canal

A root canal is a procedure that is needed when the pulp (a collection of nerves and blood vessels in the center of the tooth) of a tooth has become damaged by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks or chops, or repeated dental procedures. Symptoms of infection of the pulp can be visible injury or swelling of the tooth, sensitivity to temperature or chewing, or generalized pain in the tooth and gums.

A root canal can save the tooth and can help restore it to natural function. During the procedure the injured pulp is removed and the root canal system is thoroughly cleaned and sealed. The treatment involves local anesthesia and is completed in one to two visits. A temporary filling is placed in the access opening in the top of the tooth where the root canal was completed and the tooth is given a few weeks to heal.

After the healing is completed, the accessing opening is either filled with a composite filling material or a crown will be needed on the tooth. Dr. Blomquist will guide you on what restoration is appropriate for your tooth after your root canal is completed.